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MPs taken through the paces of new ICT bill

Protecting children and the youth from accessing inappropriate internet material like pornography and shielding the country from used electronic equipment are some of the issues highlighted by lawmakers yesterday during a consultative seminar on the ICT bill. The bill identifies and establishes responsibilities of policymakers and regulatory entities for the subsectors as well as central principles of ICT policy and regulation.
Jean Luc Nsabimana (R) takes senator Tito Rutaremara through the wonders of ICT as Senator Laurent Nkusi (L) and the OLPC coordinator, Nkubito Bakuramutsa, admire ICT tools at Parliament yesterday. The New Times / J. Mbanda.
Jean Luc Nsabimana (R) takes senator Tito Rutaremara through the wonders of ICT as Senator Laurent Nkusi (L) and the OLPC coordinator, Nkubito Bakuramutsa, admire ICT tools at Parliament yesterday. The New Times / J. Mbanda.
James Karuhanga